Make the Competition Irrelevant

Business / Carla Thompson
Make the Competition Irrelevant

Make the Competition Irrelevant

By Carla Thompson



Often real estate agents start coaching by asking this question: how do I compete with agents who have more market share?


As I examine their strategies, brands and areas of focus, what I usually assess is that they are working hard to compete by ironically doing exactly what all of their competitors are doing. Frequently even their advertising is the same. Words like this are posted next to their names:


Trust. Integrity. Hard-working.


Yep. In an effort to compete, everyone blends. Why?


Our natural inclination is to belong to our tribe. We work hard to assimilate into whatever tribes we do belong. In this case, it’s the real estate industry. So real estate agents look around for examples of how they should belong and start emulating the examples. Then they are frustrated when they are viewed as a commodity (as when sellers will expect agents to compete by lowering their commissions).


What shall we do instead?


Swim for open waters. Work on determining your unique selling proposition!


This is a great starting point in coaching—even for experienced agents. As we drill down on how you would like to innovate and express your unique approach, clarity for how the business can grow is established. This is an amazing process!


For example, one great agent we have coached determined that she has a unique focus on how she educates her clients; she executes 253 touchpoints throughout the transaction to ensure depth of understanding for her clients. Wow! Another agent went through our process and delineated an amazing approach to helping consumers understand the neighborhoods in which he sells. He is known for being a raving fan of his community. It’s not beyond him to dress up in costumes to sells aspects of his area. A last example is an agent who believes deeply in supporting her community’s charities. She and everyone on her team give 10% of their income to charities in town in order to support the growth and health of the town in which she lives and serves.


If you are ready to raise your game and grow your business, we would love to help you hone your USP! Reach out to us for a complimentary coaching call and we will help you discern your path forward.

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