Ready for the Resolution to Work?
By Carla Thompson
Most resolutions last an average of 12 days. And the research shows that only 8% of people stay on track with their resolutions after 12 days.
What we know about resolutions is that they are usually changes we desire, and these changes typically involve behavioral change (which is tricky to accomplish by only stating a resolution).
What creates lasting change?
It starts with examining your personal truth. Another way of thinking about this is that for impactful change to occur, you have to examine your identity.
Personal Truth means–what you believe about yourself determines what kind of results you create in life.
You generate the results in life you believe you deserve.
The question to ask then is as follows:
how will you see yourself differently in order to get different results?
For example, do you see yourself as the kind of person who is athletic? If so, you will start working on exercising (setting goals to improve physical fitness).
Our actions are shaped by our expectations. And, you have to behave your way to success.
So, if we desire different results in life, we have to see a model of someone who is getting those results. We have to cultivate different expectations of ourselves. We have to believe that we can be that person. Usually the differences between us and that person stop us cold in our tracks. Instead, I encourage you all to begin to see yourself as that person (his/her qualities that you see lead to his/her success).
In general, behave as confident people behave. Behave as the top performers behave.
Adopt the behaviors that the top performers have.
Does this mean we “fake it until we make it?” Sort of. It’s really deeper than that. In order to do something new that espouses the confidence of top performers, we have to ensure we have the skill and then we have to have the courage to do it (with the knowledge that we may fail at it out of the gate). So, when people say, “Fake it until you make it,” what they really mean is get out there and do it! J
Why is this so important? We make attributions to ourselves about ourselves based on what we observe ourselves do. You need to see yourself do something to believe you can do it.
Don’t let your natural behavior be the lid on your potential.
If you believe you are a top performer, you will act as one. That is what confident people do. They jump in and do it.
Coaching can make a HUGE difference in success because we guide you to be courageous and do the things that are scary. Everyone needs somebody to believe in him/her. We all need the support to do hard things.
Reach out to us at Agent+ Coaching if you are ready to challenge yourself! We LOVE helping people get to their next levels.